Datamsith is amazing and is a huge boost to productivity. We just came across VXGI. I got it compiled ok and have it working in some older arch-viz projects for testing in 4.19.2. So far it works great. I’ve noticed that this custom compiled version of the engine does not open through the launcher. Is it possible to get datasmith working with these custom compiled versions of Unreal without the launcher? Or can we add them to the launcher? If not, can we migrate the imported data over to the custom compiled version of Unreal?
Nah Studio and datasmith are closed source, so for now the only way to use datasmith content into VXGI or another custom branch would be to import in the launcher editor, then migrate the content into your custom branch project.
Hello, I tried to copy the Datasmith plug-in in Epic’s 4.192 version engine to the compiled VXGI 4.192 engine, but when I opened it, it still hints that my version is incompatible, and I can’t rebuild the Datasmith plug-in. Is there a reliable way to use the Datasmith plug-in in the branch engine?
Thanks for the info. That’s what we will do for now.
You need to migrate your imported ***content ***to the VXGI build, not the plugin…
Yes, now I am trying to do this, but the best solution is to use Datasmith directly in the branch engine, isn’t it? Because migrating content directly will take a lot of time to compile shaders and distance fields, and frequent conversion seems to cause some problems.
It is hoped that EPIC can solve this problem at an early date. After all, the number of people working on the branch of the illusory engine should be quite large.
For now Epic has said that the Unreal Studio tools are limited to the main, launcher branch. It could be years before they open it like they opened the engine to the public on github.
Correct. No immediate plans to release source for Unreal Studio, so migrating assets is your best option.