DataConfig JSON Asset - Import JSON files into Unreal Engine as DataAsset

i everyone!

I’ve been working on this plugin called “DataConfig JSON Asset” for a while and submitted weeks ago.

>>> LINK TO THE MARKETPLACE <<<](DataConfig JSON Asset in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace)

It does one particular thing:

Import JSON files into Unreal Engine as DataAsset

Around this we put in some other goodies that help you design and implement your configuration data pipeline:

  • Relaxed JSON parser that supports comments and trailing comma.
  • Precise diagnostics on parse error.
  • Batch import and reimport.

Take a look at integration tutorial here: Tutorial - DataConfig Json Asset Book
Supported JSON schema: Schema - DataConfig Json Asset Book

It’s built on top of DataConfig, in which does most of the heavy lifting and is released under MIT license: GitHub - slowburn-dev/DataConfig: Serialization framework for Unreal Engine Property System that just

If you have any questions just reply on this thread :slight_smile:

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That is very cool! Could be interesting for me.

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