Hello fellow Unrealers!
I am not sure if there others that are struggling to remember which class contained some specific function or what was the include file called, and always need to google up and go to document? I had enough of that and decided to create a database where you can quickly insert a function name, class name or just a keyword to find everything that fits to search context.
If you think this is useful, maybe you are willing to help me out with this? I could create a simple form where everybody could give their own input to expand the search. Basically, you would need to look the Unreal Documents and based on that fill out the class name, header path and inside the keywords copy and paste all the function names that are related to that class. You would just enter space between the keywords. Of course you could come up with your own keywords to help out finding the class. Of course, only classes that are not yet included should be added.
For now, there are few classes included. You can try out current version here:
http://deliciouscookieproduction.com/functionsearch.php . Just type something like spawnactor or lerp or inversetransform etc and you get the class name, header and link to document.