Data Tables Or Data blueprints Only

Hi. I’m developing a simple FPS game. For weapon pickup, I have a structure (S_Items) that includes the Weapon name, quantity, and the data asset that links to the weapon. Data asset has all the information (ammo, magazine size, damage, range, and other important datas).

I have linked each data assets to appropriate child classes(BP_Master _Item has the structure variable)

Should I include all the weapon information (ammo, magazine size etc.) in child blueprints and get rid of data assets or keep it as it is(using data assets to store information). Thanks

Its totally up to you. This is really a personal preference that depends too much on your taste and project scope.

I rarely use data assets and prefer data only actors especially in the cases where I am to directly spawn those actors. They also have thumbnails out of the box so I can see my objects without additional hassle.

Maybe it’s just that I’m used to the “old ways”… :wink:

Thank you. Which one is better performance-wise?

That’s a good question. I don’t know.
I suspect that in terms of speed there will be little difference. (if any)
In terms of memory size the Actors are a bit larger than Data Assets, I think.

Keep in mind that Data Assets (unlike Actors) are managed differently through an Asset Manager which can help if you have obscene amount of weapons.

Check this article for more info on Data Assets: Asset Manager for Data Assets & Async Loading - Tom Looman

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