That link is broken. Can you post gif here as an attachment or in a reply? A list of detailed steps and/or a test project we can look at would be very helpful as well. Thanks!
Thanks! I made a project with same setup, and DataTable’s values were not reset after replacing reference, saving, closing and reopening project. I suspect this is a corrupted Struct issue, but I can’t be sure. Can you try making a new Struct and repeating this test? If that still has same problem, can you set up something similar in a new project? Let me know what happens. Thanks!
variables changing is commonly called a floating point error, and there isn’t much that can be done about that except structuring your code around it. It’s a normal part of coding. You can read more about that here:
I still can’t reproduce data table resetting problem you’re seeing. Can you upload your test 3rd person template project somewhere and get us a download link so we can take a look?
Thanks! I checked out both projects, and could not reproduce this problem in either. I had to set up Character BP to Get Data Table Row and reference data table, but otherwise didn’t change anything and simply followed workflow you showed in your gif.
Can you do a quick verify of your engine install through Launcher? Are you using 4.7.6?
Yes, i did verify files before posting this, also i downloaded whole client here and on PC, doesn’t work either. So i got some recording software and made a video. Thats might be a problem with russian localization at win 7, i dont know.
there are some “issues” with changing windows, when unreal engine reopen project, recording software use some BRB screen, but i think this is whatever.
Also if you dont know how to fix it, just let it go, way to much time spend, let’s hope 4.8 i’ll change something.
issue happens only when stat to save == defaut stat at struct.
Thanks for videos! I was able to reproduce this in 4.7.6: when changing one of stats in Data Table from default, on reopening project Data Table’s default variables were all zeroed out ( changed value remained unchanged). I tested this in 4.8 Preview, however, and it appears to be fixed. If you test in 4.8p1 and see this still happening, please let us know. Thanks!
In 4.13 I’ve got two issues with values in Data Tables:
If set default value in Struct, and in Data Table there is set same value - then changing default in Struct overrides value of value in Data table (if they were equal). This is true for new project.
Setting value in data table to be equal to default value (float) resets this value to 0 after project restart. I couldn’t reproduce this issue in blank project.
I also had various warning about struct after getting them from data table row - I had to manually recreate those nodes. It happened after switching from 4.12.5 to 4.13.1.
first error is expected behavior. If you set values to default values it treats them as default, so it updates to new default values when edited. For second error, do you have any blueprints editing default value of data table? If so, please open a new answerhub post with a description of what is occurring and how we can reproduce this error on our end.