Hello, im trying to update a value inside my data table, i found some nodes that i thought they could do it but it seems to not work at all. I’m trying different setups but seems to not work, can anyone help with that? Maybe my version is still not updated enough?
Just for tests purposes i made a simple structure and a table and im trying to modify the values like the follow screenshots but nothing happens with my table values, if i print them after that, they keep like the first screenshot
for your issue do what you did on your second_try.png but instead plug your “out row” into your “break playerstats” then plug your “make playerstats” into the “struct ref” in “set members in playerstats” and that should work, you don’t need the last node the “set player stats structure (by ref)” so you can just delete that, this worked fine for me so yeah, sorry if I’m bumping an old thread or something, I hope this helps anyone with the same issue
Thank you for your reply, i have tried your solution here but it seems to not work as I would like to, I was able to make some math with values but it does not update the table itself.
I have used the following setup:
If i press “F” it shows me the table value, if I press “G” it changes the value and print the new one, but if I press “F” again it shows the old value, so my table is not being updated, hopefully I was clear explaining my problem there.
yeah that explains it a bit better thanks, I’m afraid I can’t help you there though as I haven’t been able to do that before, a work around method which I use though is to make a variable which references the structure itself