My animation system is using a Data Table to look up animations and associated data.
But I recently noticed that the display of the data table gets scrambled and I don’t know what’s right and what’s wrong any more which makes it extremely hard to work with.
This happens when I reorder the items in a Enum variable that I am using to identify each animation.
It seems like the table works as it should and it is just the display of it in the editor that is messed up. But it means that I don’t know if I make a mistake or not when adding to the table.
Please can this one be fixed?
Also do you know a workaround? (I can’t rebuild the table each time I change the enum)
See the mismatches on the left here!

Hey Fredrum-
Does the enum have any connection to the data table itself? If possible, could you provide a simple setup repro or a small sample project to help me investigate the issue on my end?
Hi ,
I just reproduced the error in a new scene like this.
Attached is a minimal file example.link text
Create your Enum.
Create a Struct.
Create a table.
Make a bunch of entries to the table.
Add a “None” (or whatever) member of the enum, move it to the top.
Add another Enum member, nove that too up a few steps.
Close down your table window. Open the table up again and it is now shifted around.
Hey Fredrum-
This appears to be working as intended. Using your screenshot as reference, when you set the data table ForwardDash AnimType to the enum element ForwardDash, what is happening is the field in the data table is reading from the enum’s field rather than that field’s value. What this means is that the data table is looking at where ForwardDash is in the enum, not at ForwardDash itself. So when the enum is reordered - the data table changes because the enum field that the data table was referencing changed.
Hmm ok yes I see what you mean.
I recently re-designed that part and am actually noticing that I am no longer using the Enum in the table. I am using the same enum fed as a variable to the function to select row, but I am matching to row name and not ‘AnimType’.
I used to do this differently and it should have broken if it was as before.
Enough rambling, User Error again! 
Thanks for your Help!