Data Structures (Maps and Sets)


Anyone actually knows how to define Maps and Sets in Blueprint Scripting? Is it actually possible, or is it C++ only? I really can’t seem to find any documentation on this other than the C++ TMap data structure.

Sorry if the question has already been answered, but since maps and sets are words used extensively for other meanings, it’s really hard to pinpoint any information concerning this.


As stated in the 4.14 release:

Yes you can use then in blueprints, it’s option in array icon

Well, I am at a complete loss. I’ve updated to 4.14, and there are no such options in the details panel. The only option I have is to make it an array! Do I need to change anything in the settings? Or is there a special hotkey to make the options appear?


Yep, i failed to find those as well.

You have to go to Editor Preferences>Blueprint Editor>Experimental. Its the second option that says “Enable support for TMaps and TSets.”

Don’t jump on it, the feature is unstable and nonfunctional, at all, you can do anything with it.

I’ll give it a try, but won’t go with the idea of it being the holy grail. Thank you for your answer ;)!

Sry i was thinking there is as i seen his post (he got this from master build quite few weeks ago), so i guess it is C++ only for now, sry again

Haha, it’s specified that it’s “non-functional”, like you said. Can’t help wondering why they added it at all…

Dunno, if i have to guess, for now, you would be able to create one in c++ and use it there but tweak stuff from an editor.