What would be the best way to setup a system for this…
I have a barrel BP inside a level and it has 3 or 4 different meshes assigned to the main static mesh depending on the damage done to that barrel. So the player damages the barrel for a few seconds and it changes to the second mesh where the barrel is partially broken, and so forth until the barrel is a small broken piece (mesh) on the floor as the final state.
I have multiple barrel BP’s placed on the level and then the player breaks each one of them down to different levels (fully broken, partially broken, not broken). I want to be able to save those states for each barrel so that if the player saves the game and exits, then reloads the game the barrels are in the correct state(mesh) they were in when they exited the game. The barrel BP would have a begin play node that loads it’s number from that data table and sets its integer state to the correct number for that specific barrel.
I was thinking a data table or struct of some kind or maybe an array but I want to make sure I do it right the first time around.
Hope its not too confusing, Thanks!