Can anyone confirm whether or not the data layer subsystem is functioning correctly in 5.1 on runtime? I tried following a tutorial (Unreal Engine 5 Tutorial - Data Layers - YouTube) on the subject but the SetDatalayerInstanceRuntimeState()'s Activate/Unload functionality is not behaving as expected. Note that I am working with layers already created from a DataSmith object import. I noticed an output error log when I set these data layer assets’s datalayer type to “runtime”:
MapCheck: Error: Actor TestHouse (/Game/TestHouse) references an actor in a different set of runtime data layers Windows
After further testing, it seems that objects assigned to data layers do not respond to the data layer loading/unloading system when these objects are parents or children of other objects and their data layer assignments do not match, even if their differing data layers are currently loaded/unloaded in sync.