Data layers in 5.1

Can anyone confirm whether or not the data layer subsystem is functioning correctly in 5.1 on runtime? I tried following a tutorial (Unreal Engine 5 Tutorial - Data Layers - YouTube) on the subject but the SetDatalayerInstanceRuntimeState()'s Activate/Unload functionality is not behaving as expected. Note that I am working with layers already created from a DataSmith object import. I noticed an output error log when I set these data layer assets’s datalayer type to “runtime”:

MapCheck: Error: Actor TestHouse (/Game/TestHouse) references an actor in a different set of runtime data layers Windows

Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you,

After further testing, it seems that objects assigned to data layers do not respond to the data layer loading/unloading system when these objects are parents or children of other objects and their data layer assignments do not match, even if their differing data layers are currently loaded/unloaded in sync.

Is this working as intended?

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Same here 1 year later, DataLayerSubsystem->SetDataLayerInstanceRuntimeState gave me the following error, anybody any hint?

LogWorldPartition: Error: Invalid Data Layer Instance.
LogWorldPartition: Error: Invalid Data Layer Instance.