Data Layer - unload but still visible

Hi there,
Do you know why the status of my DataLayer named Floor_0 is well unloaded, but is still displayed ingame? :man_shrugging:
My version of the engine is 5.1.1



Answer from Google Bard
I will try and let you know.

There are a few reasons why your DataLayer named Floor_0 may be still displayed in-game even though it is marked as unloaded.

  • The DataLayer is still being referenced by another object in the scene. This could be a Blueprint, StaticMeshComponent, or another DataLayer. To fix this, find the object that is referencing the DataLayer and remove the reference.
  • The DataLayer is being used by a Blueprint that is being spawned in-game. To fix this, find the Blueprint that is spawning the DataLayer and remove the reference to the DataLayer.
  • The DataLayer is being used by a DataLayerSwitcher. A DataLayerSwitcher is a Blueprint that can be used to switch between different DataLayers. To fix this, find the DataLayerSwitcher that is using the DataLayer and remove the reference to the DataLayer.
  • The DataLayer is being used by a DataLayerStreamingVolume. A DataLayerStreamingVolume is a Volume that can be used to control when a DataLayer is loaded and unloaded. To fix this, find the DataLayerStreamingVolume that is using the DataLayer and make sure that the DataLayer is set to be unloaded.

If you have checked all of these things and the DataLayer is still being displayed in-game, then you may have found a bug in Unreal Engine 5. In this case, you can report the bug to Epic Games.

Here are some additional tips for troubleshooting DataLayer issues:

  • Make sure that you are using the latest version of Unreal Engine 5.
  • Try restarting Unreal Engine.
  • Try rebuilding your project.
  • Try deleting the DataLayer and recreating it.
  • Try moving the DataLayer to a different location in the Content Browser.

If you are still having trouble, you can ask for help in the Unreal Engine Forums.