Data connection for additional Output Pin with custom AnimNode

I’m currently working on a custom AnimNode where I would like to output a secondary data in addition to the pose in the animation graph of my AnimBlueprint. I found the way to add that secondary output pin, but I have no idea how to connect it to the actual data within the base node.

I build the output pin with CreatePin(), but I don’t really understand how the data is assigned, especially since in the case of the output pose it seems automatic.

I already gave a look at the source of existing nodes, but none of them do this kind of behavior. So for now I’m a bit stuck.


Below is is some sample code.


struct FAnimNode_GetBoneTransform : public FAnimNode_Base

        UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Links)
        FPoseLink BasePose;

        UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = Settings, meta = (PinHiddenByDefault))
        FBoneReference Bone;

        FVector BoneLocation;

        // FAnimNode_Base interface
        virtual void Initialize_AnyThread(const FAnimationInitializeContext& Context) override;
        virtual void Update_AnyThread(const FAnimationUpdateContext& Context) override;
        virtual void Evaluate_AnyThread(FPoseContext& Output) override;
        virtual void CacheBones_AnyThread(const FAnimationCacheBonesContext& Context) override;

        virtual void GatherDebugData(FNodeDebugData& DebugData) override;
        // End of FAnimNode_Base interface


        USkeletalMeshComponent* SkeletalMesh;


class UAnimGraphNode_GetBoneTransform : public UAnimGraphNode_Base

    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = SkeletalControl)
    FAnimNode_GetBoneTransform Node;

        //Begin UEdGraphNode Interface.
        virtual FLinearColor GetNodeTitleColor() const override;
        virtual FText GetTooltipText() const override;
        virtual FText GetNodeTitle(ENodeTitleType::Type TitleType) const override;
        //End UEdGraphNode Interface.

        //Begin UAnimGraphNode_Base Interface
        virtual FString GetNodeCategory() const override;
        //End UAnimGraphNode_Base Interface

        // UAnimGraphNode_Base interface
        virtual void ValidateAnimNodeDuringCompilation(USkeleton* ForSkeleton, FCompilerResultsLog& MessageLog) override;
        virtual void CopyNodeDataToPreviewNode(FAnimNode_Base* InPreviewNode) override;
        virtual void CopyPinDefaultsToNodeData(UEdGraphPin* InPin) override;
        // End of UAnimGraphNode_Base interface

        virtual void CreateOutputPins() override;


Excerpt of AnimGraphNode_GetBoneTransform.cpp

void UAnimGraphNode_GetBoneTransform::CreateOutputPins()
    const UAnimationGraphSchema* Schema = GetDefault<UAnimationGraphSchema>();

    CreatePin(EGPD_Output, Schema->PC_Struct, FPoseLink::StaticStruct(), TEXT("Pose"));

    CreatePin(EGPD_Output, Schema->PC_Struct, TBaseStructure<FVector>::Get(), TEXT("Bone Location"));

I recently got an answer from from Epic Games who confirmed it wasn’t possible. She however suggested another approach, so I’m pasting her reply here:

So, I went an other route in the end. I simply worked around the issue by using my head and root bones as reference point to drive my IK and Transform nodes.

Hello, I have this pusszel exactly.

But after searching, I found it was actually possible except you get the data only after you have the pose.

In my situation, I actually don’t need the pose?

Anyway, How did u make another output except the Pose eventually?

Using what? Output.Curve? Output.Pose? Output.CustomAttributes?