Data asset reverts to default settings when restarting editor

I have a data asset, DA_WoodWall, which works as intended, however upon saving the data asset and restarting the editor some of its variables are reverted to their default values.
This is how it is supposed to be:
And this is the result when i restart:

The Material variable is an enum with different material types
Building Class is a reference to the blueprint class the building derives from
Selected Material is the material to change it to when selecting it

I found other threads with similar problems, however their problem seemed to have something to do with structs or referencing other data assets inside the data asset multiple times. This does not seem to be the case for me as I don’t have any structs in the data asset (BP_Structure is not a struct, just what i decided to call those types of buildings), nor do I reference any data assets inside a data asset.

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I think we’ll need to see the underlying code for your data asset class

This is all blueprint, and the primary data asset only consists of those variables.

Been thinking about it a bit more, and it could also be an issue with version control. I use Git and GitHub, not very experienced with it other than the absolute basics. So if anybody has an idea what it could be or a potential solution I would greatly appreciate it.

Tested out a bunch of random things, and it seems unchecking “Blueprint read only” fixed this issue. I thought it was best to have it checked as I only want to read these values, but perhaps that isn’t the correct way. Hopefully this helps someone!

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