When i make my 3rd person character dash on the ground, it can dash like normal.
What i dont want is when im jumping, i can dash and basically fly (dash as many times as i press the button)
I want it to be so u can dash infinitely on the ground but only once in the air for balancing obviously.
What you need is a boolean that you set after a jump that will prevent the “dash” execution from firing more than once and will be reset when the player lands. So you can add an extra branch node after input “dash” and have it check if the player jumped, if true, use a “Do Once” node and allow it to pass through to the dash execution and then reset that “Do Once” node when the player lands, if the player doesn’t jump the boolean is false and hook the false up to your current execution path.
As i said i dont even understand.
It kinda worked because when I hooked some random stuff together i could only do it once but when i landed and jumped again i could do it like 50 times again
I really just need a picture of what you mean, and this is really a first time using blueprints because in other projects that ive actually had a team in i was a level designer.