Darklines: the wings

hi there! i want to share my last asset and get some feedback. all opinions are important and will improve this assets future update and also next assets! thank you everyone forehand! its available here or my fab!

Pre-Release Update!


  • Procedural Target and attack. (on both walk and fly)
  • Procedural flap-fly
  • Procedural pelvis alignment by flight angle
  • Auto activation fly mode by fall duration of gorund distance
  • Auto landing near ground by duration
  • New per wing arm random for more cool-chaotic looking random
  • regular attacks (animation based)
  • new bonus content: Static meshes for spawn on hit.

v1.2 is online:


Unique and High Quality Assets. Awesome Customer Support. I’ll Vouch for You.

A :star::star::star::star::star: UnrealEngine Publisher.

Keep up the Amazing Work @StockLancer!

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thank you for praising me! trying my best. :blush:

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You deserve it. Publishers are going to have to step their game up, if they want Devs to buy their stuff.

Hello @StockLancer !

This was an absolutely stunning showcase. I appreciate the details you included throughout the entire video to show what this asset is truly capable of doing. While watching this, I was already getting a vision of a wing/tendril combat style being created with these. This very much makes me think of Venom in the recent Marvel Rivals mixed with Nico Robin from One Piece in the best ways possible.

Would you be looking to keep the wings in a tendril like style or are you planning for other types in the future?

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darkline series will continue. next stop goes to be attachable-tentacles and capes. beside that, this wing asset goes to be ported to my gut/necroid series. so there will be aslo few more variation of this, like gore and other series of mine. but for now main plan is make darkline series more wide and deep.

also i will add a new video today or tomorrow because working on pre-release update for this wings. adding attacks and also procedural fly-wing flaps. if customers want to other way of flaps they will makeit with this way. i wil publish the results also here.

and thank you for praising. glad you like it. :pray:

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Hi there @StockLancer,

Hope you’re well :slight_smile:

This is the sort of thing that gets me all kinds of nerdy and overzealous for games. Wings are just so darn cool :joy: I honestly cant wait to see what other styles you can come with. Good luck until next time!

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Thank you.

also, Just now added update video!
Procedural Target and attack. (on both walk and fly)
Procedural flap-fly
Procedural pelvis alignment by flight angle
Auto activation fly mode by fall duration or gorund distance
Auto landing near ground by duration
New per wing arm random for more cool-chaotic looking random
regular attacks (animation based)
new bonus content: Static meshes for spawn on hit.


Wow. More Than Wings. You have something else here. It has evolved into a separate entity, a symbiote.

Dark Symbiote

asset is released!

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new update is published. darkline wings v1.2
this update brings attachable wings for using with other fly systems. procedural target and attack, procedural flap, regular attack, random pose motions, random per arm motions and other wing features from main bp also provided in this attachable version.

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