dark theme for forum and editor manual

The title is self-descriptive. For the love of all that is holy, do it for the sake of our eyes.

I agree it should be an option, just like you have a Dark Mode in Youtube.

Until that (never) happens, you can use Stylus in Firefox or something else in Chrome. Dark themes for Unreal are here: https://userstyles.org/styles/browse…realengine.com

There’s already dark theme for the forum, documentation sites (hidden at the bottom of the pages), marketplace and blog.
Answer’s Hub, “global search” and Issues lacks dark theme yet. I guess it’s all scheduled.

Generally, I recommend Dark Reader for browser and turning it on for awfully white sites that don’t provide dark mode yet. It’s a blessing :slight_smile:

Bottom Left.


UE4 Docs

Screenshot 2020-11-06 170840.png