Dark Ruins Megascans Sample - Not able to download.


I added “Dark Ruins Megascans Sample” to my account but there is no option to download it. It shows up in my fab library without a download link. It does not show up in my Epic Games Launcher library at all even after a refresh and reboot.

What type of bug are you experiencing?


URL where the bug was encountered


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Go to the fab page for the sample: https://www.fab.com/listings/836ed2f8-e2d6-49be-98d3-59d104bd351e
  2. Click download.

Expected Result

There are usually download links in the “Download” popover window.

Observed Result

There is no actual link to download anything in the popover window.


Chrome browser.

Operating System

Windows 10.

Upload an image

Hi there, same problem here. I want to use this pack but cannot dowload. Thank you.

Thanks for reporting this issue! We were able to reproduce it.
In the meantime can you try adding it to library from the Fab plugin in UE and then go to Epic Games Launcher and refresh your Fab library to see if it shows up?

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This solved it, thank you very much. :grinning:

EMP-14840 has been created and its status is ‘New’. This is now in a queue to be reproduced and confirmed.

Adding from Fab plugin did work. Thanks!

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i cant find the download button, it says view in launcher, but i dont have it in my launcher either. what seems to be the issue please advise

Dark Ruins Megascans Sample - Not able to download!!! can’t be added to the library… !!!
MORE THAN A WEEK people are reporting this issue and nobody do nothing… Whats going on with FAB???