Dark Forum Theme Beta

Thank you Epic forum developers, finally a mild dark mode like it should be for reading without burning eyes.

Thanks for your continued feedback everyone! I’ve been collecting it and we’ll do another update soon :slight_smile:

@franktech - We’ve had a couple reports of this, but that extra info about being logged in/out is helpful and I added it to the bug. Thanks!

Yep… “New Posts” button broken again.

I was using a theme on Userstyles with Stylish and it was heaven. Now it’s even better with an official theme! Thank you!!!

The forum keeps randomly switching back to the light style for some reason

Please change the font color for the Post Reply, else I have to change to another color to actually see something! :slight_smile:

^^ +1 color bugged for me as well

Glad You finally started to work on that. I’ve tried it and…I prefer mine atm. Good luck with it!

The color theme looks great, but I can’t see any text I write in the editor, because it’s so dark…

Overall I like the new theme :smiley:

Some minor tweaks here and there are needed, like the text color for example, I can barely see what I’m typing XD but still, it’s already my new default theme.

I found some text impossible to read on it. Probably worth using it yourselves for a few days to find out the issues.

I wrote something…
(The problem illustrated)

Apart from this the theme appears in top shape now.

I’ve been using it to view the forums for a couple days now. As a Web Developer myself I must say it’s pretty well put together, it seems really responsive — which is a great thing. Also, I don’t see any issues anywhere but the styling for the “- Unreal Engine - [Dark] BETA”, “Go to top” buttons are a little hard on the eyes.

For the posts when we have the “Edit” / “Like” and the little design next to it “>” I think they should be styled the same way as the like count “0”.

Other then them two little things, great job everyone! :slight_smile:

dark theme is ok but when i type in the text box i can barey read my own message.http://prntscr.com/j0emkk

Thanks for pointing that out @frostic I’ve put in a request to have it changed.

The preview text should be updated now!

Looks good!

Still looks too dark on my end. notworking.jpg

Yeah it seems to have reverted.

I noticed the same thing, and have forwarded it back over to the teams.