DamageThreshold problem with rescaled GeometryCollection

I’m trying to learn how to use Chaos System, working on basics using the Content Examples as reference. I managed to set a wall that breaks into pieces when I throw objects with mass at it. When I run my character into it nothing happens, it stays in place.

But now when I rescaled the wall (Geometry Collection) when I run into it, it crumbles instantly. So I tried testing what could be wrong. I set the scale to x1.05 and started increasing Damage Threshold (under Clustering). Well… when I increase it from 800 to 6 000 000 it stops breaking.

So my first question is: what could be the cause that 5% scale increase requires 750 000% Damage Threshold increase?

Secondly, with this setting I’m pushing the wall around when I walk into it, while when it has x1.0 scale it doesn’t move at all. Where’s that coming from?

I tried rescaling Geometry Collections on the Content Examples project. And yes as soon as the scale gets as high as x1.05 they all start behaving weirdly or broken. If the scale is lower, like x1.01, x1.03 they seem fine.
So I guess the conclusion would be that GCs can be scaled only slightly otherwise they don’t work properly…