Hi! I’m trying to create a building in the game area where guns can be purchased trough vending machines. Because its in the game area, players could eventually camp there and get an advantage. Which isnt ideal.
It would be great if there is a way, where I can give the player maybe 30sec in the building to buy and after that the player gets damage, so no one can camp there.
I tried it with the dv-device and timer but I cant figure it out.
I’m thinking a tracker, the timer would need a new timer for each person that enters zone. But a tracker can be set to Time Elapsed and assigned to a player on entering a mutator zone and unassigned when leaving zone.
If the tracker completes it triggers a class selector to change the class to the class that the damage volume is set to damage.
Also need to be able to switch back to default class, so set up a class selector to switch players class to default on exit of the mutator zone,
Class Selectors need to be set to keep items and not restore health
Hopefully that works, if not I reckon we can get it worked out
I couldnt recreate it the way you explained it but I achieved it in a similar way… and it works.
I used the mutator zone, damage volume and class device… I turned the time until class-switched from the class device to 30sec. I used an explosive device that explodes when player switched class.
I also placed another class device to the spawnpads so when the player spawns he will change the class again to the right one (before the elimination)