Czech Developers


Are there any Czech/Slovak Developers?


There are some Slovak devs around. If that counts anyway.

Yes, right here. :slight_smile:

Yea, it counts too!

Cool guys, are you interested in sharing experiences?

I’ve also wrote to forum administrator, if we can have own subforum for Czech/Slovak guys.

I founded facebook page for CZ/SK developers. Every CZ/SK developer is welcomed!

Já věděl, že je tu někde v historii ještě jeden thread pro Čechy. Já dělám teď na tomhle:


I’ll be speaking at the Centeral European Game Conference in Vienna this month. Is anyone going? Let’s connect for a beer(s). I’d love to learn about your studio, plans for UE4, and see how Epic can help you make great games with UE4!

Andy Hess
Epic Games

Koukám nás tu moc neni. Tak pokud Vás zajímá na čem dělám, tak mrktněte na web v podpisu