Cyber Monday List and Sale Details

Hello everyone. We wanted to share a list of all packs that are participating in the Cyber Monday Sale so you can plan accordingly. The sale will go live on Monday, November 27, at 12:00am EST and run until 11:59pm EST that night. To help you prepare, we’re providing a spreadsheet for download that displays. The information includes the following:

  • Seller Name
  • Pack Name
  • Asset Category
  • Discount Percent
  • Link to the listing

You can find the spreadsheet here.

Thanks and happy shopping!

Our Cyber Monday sale is now live and will run until 11:59pm EST Monday night. Please enjoy all the awesome content that our community of creators has listed this year!


Its sale time, and its only today. Browse these great products while you have the chance. Content by Black Fang Technologies - UE Marketplace

is it really that hard to add a Category filter and an OnSale / CyberMonday filter?
having to browse through 54 pages is really off-putting…

**All our plugins on sale during Cyber Monday! **

Store page: Content by gameDNA - UE Marketplace

Universal Mobile Ads: Universal Mobile Ads in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace
Extended Facebook: Extended Facebook Online Subsystem in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace
Google Analytics Provider: Google Analytics Provider in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace
Ultimate Mobile Kit:


Number of pages on Cyber Monday all of a sudden dropped from 54 down to 40 … but it is still quite few time before 11:59pm EST …

Update: found out it’s a glitch with the sort function… sorting from newest seems to delete some items and display only 40 pages instead of 54 …

Thanks for the report on this. We’ll investigate this to see if we can reproduce it and solve it to make sure it doesn’t occur in the future.