I made invisible box collision inside a door and i want to do only when overlap it you can press the key E and it will start a cutscence
The problem that is i can only drag the cutscene to a level blueprint and not to the door blueprint
Someone have a solution?
in short-
I would like to do when the player is in the box collision, if he presses the E key, the cut scenes will start
Try creating a variable inside of your blueprint and chose type “Level Sequence” for it. You can then check “InstanceEditable” for this variable, drag and drop the blueprint (e.g. the door) into your level and (while having the door selected) you can assign a level sequence to your variable in the details panel.
Inside your blueprint you can then drag the variable into the blueprint graph and create a “CreateLevelSequencePlayer” node. Drag out from the “Settings” input and type “make” to make the settings struct node. And in there, make sure to check “AutoPlay” so the sequence player starts playing your sequence automatically.
Let me know if this works for you 
Thanks for the quick reply!
I will refine the question, I would like to do when the player is in the box collision, if he presses the E key, the cut scenes will start, but possible to click the E only when he on the box collison