the cursor to show option does not work with custom widgets. create a custom widget based on the border widget or whatever. set it to focusable and visible. leave the cursor checkbox unticked. import the custom widget, and set the cursor to hand or whatever. run the code. when you go over the custom widget with your mouse, you will notice that its still the default cursor instead of the hand cursor.
i mean it works if you change it directly inside the blueprint of the customwidget itself. but you should be able to adjust that setting within your user interface blueprint, like all the other settings. thats why i left the cursor checkbox unticked in the first place. but in unreal unticked means default cursor, and everything you select after that gets ignored. very poorly designed.
So what you’re suggesting is that a slot should get a chance to override everything and force it down the hierarchy for every element. Sounds logical for as long as it’s optional. Somehow I feel this would require major changes to how slate works in general.
As you said, this will work fine providing you set it up it within the custom widget. When a widget receives focus, it overrides any other settings by its own.
edit: Just realised this was also your thread where you were concerned with something relatively similar. In case you can’t get Epic staff response here, consider creating a new thread in the forum’s feedback section and link those 2 issues there. Perhaps this will catch someone’s attention quicker.
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