Customizable Text on Material

Hello guys

Im currently making a material that displays a moveable text using the classic trick of moving the UVs (see example below). The material works great but now i want to inprove it by adding custom text. Right now the text is just a texture/texture mask and i cannot generate a new one each time for my project (i want to be customizable) and, AFAIK, there is no way to add “text” to a material like creating a text var in blueprints.

How can i do it? I have researched dynamic materials but I don’t see an easy answer; the alternative would be a Widget blueprint with a text var but i dont see how to re-create the automatic movement of the UV


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You might be able to do something with a grid texture and a flipbook function

Very very very early days… :slight_smile:

You would need the node for each letter, so a fixed number of letters. Also it would be a better texture ( obviously ) and could be used as a mask to lerp between background and foreground.


I saw a similar post with pretty much the same idea, a flipbook alphabet, but i dont see how this could be customizable or controlled by the user. I mean, even with the example used, “This is a test” it would be a bit annoying to add each symbol.

I wont discart this idea, but im gonna try some type of “panner” for Widgets

You would need to have a fixed length sentence, but apart from that, it’s just setting the numbers for the letters.

Problem with a widget, is the text will just scroll off one end, but not come back on the other.

So there is no way to animate the UV using the widget animations? The problem is, the text will be introduced by the user, so i cant create a fixed length for a sentence that i cant know;guess a fixed limit would work by adding a gap in the alphabet and yet, to translate those coord. to actual text is gonna be…fun :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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It’s a pain, I agree :slight_smile:

Try a widget and see where it takes you. I couldn’t think of a way to make it work, but there’s very possibly one.

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