**Marketplace Link **
**Introduction ** [HR][/HR]Customizable Puddles uses a set of 21 uniquely made masks, which can be adjusted in size, shape, and color, to create puddle decals of various different styles, which can include paint, oil, water, and goo.
Within the Material Instance, you can input up to two of the five provided water ripple normals and adjust their strength, speed, and scale to create anything from realistic puddles to stylized cartoon puddles. Alternatively, if you just need simple highlights, you may choose to disable these textures entirely.
I have also included the ability for you to adjust the intensity of the water roughness and emissive. At any time you can substitute the given puddle masks and ripple normals for your own, as custom content integration is as simple as it can be.
**Brief Video Summary ** [HR][/HR]Instead of outlining a technical overview here like I normally do, I have decided to keep it simple with one video:
Customization Overview
The technical overview notes are found on the marketplace listing, and more elaborate technical information can be found in the notes section of the Overview map.
**Marketplace Link **
Other Stuff
Customizable Grass (Marketplace Link) (Forum Link)
Customizable Roads (Marketplace Link) (Forum Link)
Customizable Paths (Marketplace Link) (Forum Link)
Customizable Walls (Marketplace Link) (Forum Link)
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