Two days before i have added a custom widget, which i dynamically add to the view in a gamemode. But how ever, everytime i JUST put the widget asset to the project folder, the project just loads for ever at 73% …
If i do a workaround by rename it, start the editor and then importing it back, the editor just freezes, without any crash… if i try to attached VS debugger to the process, my whole windows breaks down…
Took me two days now to figure out that the issue is caused by this widget… mainly because i just recognized a now that there is some error one of the logs:
[2016.10.24-18.45.16:830][208]LogBlueprint:Warning: [Compiler Widget_CharSelect] Warning Can't connect pins Object and ReturnValue : This cast has an invalid target type (was the class deleted without a redirect?).
[2016.10.24-18.45.16:830][208]LogBlueprint:Warning: [Compiler Widget_CharSelect] Warning Can't connect pins ReturnValue and Object : This cast has an invalid target type (was the class deleted without a redirect?).
[2016.10.24-18.45.16:830][208]LogBlueprint:Error: [Compiler Widget_CharSelect] Error This blueprint (self) is not compatible with ' self ', therefore that pin must have a connection.
[2016.10.24-18.45.16:830][208]LogBlueprint:Error: [Compiler Widget_CharSelect] Error Could not find a function named "PlayerSelectedCharacter" in 'Widget_CharSelect'.
Make sure 'Widget_CharSelect' has been compiled for K2Node_CallFunction_46
[2016.10.24-18.45.16:833][208]LogBlueprint:Warning: [Compiler Widget_CharSelect] Warning [1008.68] Compile of Widget_CharSelect failed. 2 Fatal Issue(s) 2 Warning(s) [in 3 ms] (/Game/Blueprints/GUI/Widget_CharSelect.Widget_CharSelect)
[2016.10.24-18.45.16:833][208]LogBlueprint:Warning: [Compiler Widget_CharSelect] Warning [1008.68] Compile of Widget_CharSelect failed. 2 Fatal Issue(s) 3 Warning(s) [in 0 ms] (/Game/Blueprints/GUI/Widget_CharSelect.Widget_CharSelect)
[2016.10.24-18.45.16:833][208]LogBlueprint:Warning: [Compiler Widget_CharSelect] Warning [1008.68] Compile of Widget_CharSelect failed. 2 Fatal Issue(s) 4 Warning(s) [in 0 ms] (/Game/Blueprints/GUI/Widget_CharSelect.Widget_CharSelect)
I would upload the file if i could but unfortionatly the upload mechanism tells me something of wrong file extension…
Hey luuk_gg,
It looks like you need to fix your “Widget_CharSelect”. If you are having issues loading your project with this file in the content folder of your project, you can cut the file from that folder and paste it somewhere else, such as your desktop. Then, you should be able to launch your project and after it loads, paste the “Widget_CharSelect” file back into the content folder of your project. This should show up in the Content Browser in your project and then you can open it and fix it.
If this doesn’t work, you may have to look at removing the “Widget_CharSelect” file and re-making it.
Thank you for submitting a bug report, however at this time we believe that the issue you are describing is not actually a bug with the Unreal Engine, and so we are not able to take any further action on this. If you still believe this may be a bug, please provide steps for us to reproduce the issue, and we will continue our investigation.
thanks for the response. Hard to say if bug or not, depends on the view on it.
I defined a widget the editor crashed in between. After that it is not possible to restart the editor, cause of the broken/unfinished defined custom widget.
The bug is (from my point-of-view) that the error is basically handled already, because there is a entry in the log, but the editor gets really badly broken instead of just generate some warning or something what the user needs to fix.
I managed to get the BP code out, but honestly i have no idea what causes the issue… maybe the replicated server event? The gamemode is a “C++ base class” which is the parent of a “Blueprint gamemode” again?
So i found out which parts are breaking it… if i just add the “Get Game Mode” and a “Cast To BP_GameModePlay” in to the custom-widget, this kind of deadlock thing occures
Ok, it seams to be further related to the “PlayerSelectedCharacter” server event i put to my gamemode, because if i just remove this, the deadlock is gone… but honestly this was the event is just wanted to use from the widget?!!.. so on which other object i replicate a server event from the widget?
Maybe for “completeness”, i have moved the “PlayerSelectedCharacter” now to my “BP_PlayerController” and just call it there on my widget… and by magic it is just replicated to the server and i happy see my trace…
I guess that this is related to the ownership of the gamemode? So i cant call events like this on the gamemode?