Custom widget bindings are null when created at runtime

I am trying to spawn a widget at runtime as part of a spatial inventory, to do this i have made a couple of custom widget classes extending from user widget. The first of which defines my grid and is working correctly, the problem is with my ContainerGrid_Item class.

When the player walks near an item the ContainerGrid class creates a ContainerGrid_Item and positions it on the grid in a valid position and then calls RedrawWidget. You can see this code below:

void UContainerGrid::RedrawInventory()
	//Get all items in container
	TMap<FItemDataModel*,FContainerTile> ItemsToDraw = GetAllItems();

	for (TTuple<FItemDataModel*, FContainerTile> kvp : ItemsToDraw)
		if (UContainerGrid_Item* newItem = CreateWidget<UContainerGrid_Item>(GridCanvasPanel, UContainerGrid_Item::StaticClass()))
			//Tried overriding these base methods to force the re-binding of the various widgets

			//I slot this new widget as a canvas slot
			if(UCanvasPanelSlot* PanelSlot = GridCanvasPanel->AddChildToCanvas(newItem))
				//Size the panel
				PanelSlot->SetPosition(FVector2D(kvp.Value.X * TileSize, kvp.Value.Y * TileSize));

				//Provide important values
				newItem->AssignValues(TileSize, kvp.Key);
				newItem->RedrawWidget(); //<===== This is the broken method 
				UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Container Grid Attempts to do thing now"))

I think i understand why this problem is arising, It is probably due to the widgets not being bound in the next frame resulting in null pointers in the RedrawWidget method below:

void UContainerGrid_Item::RedrawWidget()
	ItemSize = FVector2D(ItemData->ItemDimensions.X * TileSize, ItemData->ItemDimensions.Y * TileSize);

	//Set Size Box Size
	BackgroundSizeBox->SetWidthOverride(ItemSize.X); //BackgroundSizeBox is null
	//Set Size of Image
	if(UCanvasPanelSlot* CanvasSlot = ParentCanvas->AddChildToCanvas(ItemImage)) //Parent Canvas is null

	//Set Image
	ItemImage->SetBrush(GetItemWidget()); //ItemImage is null

For added clarity my widgets are declared in the header like this:

        UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, meta =  (BindWidget))
	TObjectPtr<UCanvasPanel> ParentCanvas;
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, meta = (BindWidget))
	TObjectPtr<USizeBox> BackgroundSizeBox;

	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, meta = (BindWidget))
	TObjectPtr<UBorder> BackgroundBorder;

	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, meta = (BindWidget))
	TObjectPtr<UImage> ItemImage;

Am i grossly miss-using UUserWidget extened classes or is there a way to ensure my bindings are assigned at the point of use?