Custom Weapons

I’m new to uefn and I just started making my own maps, I made a zonewars map and I wanted to add in my own custom weapons(this includes the weapon stats, animations, etc) and consumables. I’ve researched a bit and cound’t find any answers.
Is there a way to do this? Is there maybe a class for the fortnite weapons/consumables my items can inherit from? Is there a way to modify the player’s inventory?
I have so many questions about this topic but I can’t find anything

Customs items aren’t currently available, but you can do “visual” custom item.

Use vfx powerup to attach at player hand, a vfx who renderer a mesh. Coupled with damage amplifier device it can do the job expect for animation.
It should “replace” your current weapon :smiley:

Yeah I saw some people doing that but it’s pretty limited. I guess I will have to work with that for now.

I would like to see a custom weapon device or custom consumables device where you could do all this, I think it would add a lot more depth into this topic.
We’ll hopefully get some soon :smiley:

Hi all,

There’s an item on the roadmap for ‘Custom Game Items

It’s listed as Q4, so that means it’s expected to ship sometime in the Oct-Dec timeframe.

Not sure the details, but it at least sounds like a step towards what you’re wanting.


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OMG thank you so much for the info.

Looking at the roadmap it seems like we are getting a lot of great improvements. As I said I just started uefn recently and i’m enjoying the progress a lot, knowing what’s to come this just made me more excited!!

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