I’m new to uefn and I just started making my own maps, I made a zonewars map and I wanted to add in my own custom weapons(this includes the weapon stats, animations, etc) and consumables. I’ve researched a bit and cound’t find any answers.
Is there a way to do this? Is there maybe a class for the fortnite weapons/consumables my items can inherit from? Is there a way to modify the player’s inventory?
I have so many questions about this topic but I can’t find anything
Customs items aren’t currently available, but you can do “visual” custom item.
Use vfx powerup to attach at player hand, a vfx who renderer a mesh. Coupled with damage amplifier device it can do the job expect for animation.
It should “replace” your current weapon
Yeah I saw some people doing that but it’s pretty limited. I guess I will have to work with that for now.
I would like to see a custom weapon device or custom consumables device where you could do all this, I think it would add a lot more depth into this topic.
We’ll hopefully get some soon
Hi all,
There’s an item on the roadmap for ‘Custom Game Items’
It’s listed as Q4, so that means it’s expected to ship sometime in the Oct-Dec timeframe.
Not sure the details, but it at least sounds like a step towards what you’re wanting.
OMG thank you so much for the info.
Looking at the roadmap it seems like we are getting a lot of great improvements. As I said I just started uefn recently and i’m enjoying the progress a lot, knowing what’s to come this just made me more excited!!