custom verse device is not working the way it should be

I wanted to create a device that when you press the button, takes from your 10 gold using a conditional button device and gives you a weapon using the item granted device, and every time you press the button device it gives you a better weapon for 10 gold

    var Agent : [agent]int = map{}

    Button : button_device = button_device{}
    ItemGranter : []item_granter_device = array{}
    ItemSeller : []conditional_button_device = array{}
    ItemCost: type{X: int where X >= 0} = 10

    # Runs when the device is started in a running game

        GranterNumber :int= 0
        KeyItemIndex :int= 0
        if (ItemCost > 0, ItemSell := ItemSeller[1]):
            PlayerGold := ItemSell.GetItemCount(Player, KeyItemIndex)
            if (PlayerGold >= ItemCost):
                ItemSell.SetItemCountRequired(KeyItemIndex, ItemCost)
                WeaponGrant(Player, GranterNumber)
                Print("Player does not have enough money :(")
            WeaponGrant(Player, GranterNumber)

    WeaponGrant(Player: agent, GranterNumber : int):void=
            var CurrentItemIndex : int = Agent[Player]
            ItemGrant := ItemGranter[GranterNumber]
            set CurrentItemIndex += 1
            if (set Agent[Player] = CurrentItemIndex):
                set Agent[Player] = 0
                FirstItem := ItemGranter[GranterNumber]

The code works overall fine but when you have more than 10 gold it drains all your gold with a single button click I used SetItemCountRequired to change the price from 0 to 10 gold. I don’t know if it’s a glitch from a device or there is something wrong with my script

Here is a video:

As you see I gave myself 2500 gold and the price was 10 gold and still conditional button take it all. When I tried to interact with the conditional device itself it took from me 10 gold but with my device all the gold.

Isn’t your item granter set to On Grant Action: Clear Inventory by any chance ? :slight_smile:

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Actually yes I was focusing on the code itself that I forgot about item granter settings
I fixed this yesterday but I forgot to post it here, Thanks for the replay all good now.

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