Custom UPROPERTY serializing to DefaultEngine.ini


I have a UPROPERTY in one class and I want it to save to DefaultEngine.ini config. In my current setup, the value is properly read from that location (if value was placed in the config manually), but whenever given UPROPERTY changes, it’s saved in /Saved/Config/Windows/Engine.ini instead of Config/DefaultEngine.ini.

Is there any way to make it, so the changes are applied to the DefaultEngine.ini config file?

My current setup is as follows.


UCLASS(config = Engine, defaultconfig)
class PROJECT_API UMyObject : public UObject

     FName Variable;

I’m using 4.12.4 version of the engine.

Thanks in advance.

I managed to do this.

The object on which i was editing the value was CDO (Class Default Object).

Here’s the example of how to change variable and save it in defaultengine.ini:

UMyObject* CDO = GetMutableDefault<UTeamsSettings>();
if (CDO) // should be always valid but just in case
     CDO->Variable = FName("New value");
     CDO->SaveConfig(CPF_Config, *GetDefaultConfigFilename());

Also, I had to change declaration of Variable a bit (globalconfig had to be changed to config - see OP).