Custom UEFN User Interface - Showcase

Hey, I wanted to show you my custom User Interface I creator for game start to welcome players!

I am using custom widget blueprint in combination with button binding to make it interactable using
Pop Up Dialog device!

I tried to make it pleasable as much as possible. I used Fortnite’s pre-made UI Materials and customized them to my liking. For animated parts, such as rotating tire and flags, I used custom icons
animated using material shaders. The simple rotation effect is done with just one very simple node called “Rotator” and the waving flag effect was done using noise distortion panning over each other using constants and time nodes.

I am glad to help, so in case you have a question let me know!

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Curious To how I would go about setting custom inputs
to open things like this and how it differs on controller

Looks great!

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I dont think that’s possible yet, but I am using remote controller to open UI. Could be done using mutator zone —> on player start emoting → show