Custom Touch Controls – highly customizable controls components for mobile devices



](Ultimate Touch Components in Blueprints - UE Marketplace)

Hey everyone!

I want to present you Custom Touch Controls asset. This is fully customizable, easy to use mobile touch controls asset with UMG widgets support. You can easily add highly customizable touch controls to your existing characters or actors. A lot of configuration options will help you gain full control for behaviour tweaking and visual representation. It was started as part of a mobile game and will also continue to evolve along with the game. You can watch the progress of the development of the asset and vote for desired features on special trello board. Feel free to send me all your questions by [EMAIL=“”]email or here.

Current features (v1.0):
• Flexible configuration: fixed, floating and bounded virtual joysticks;
• Different behaviours: regular joysticks, sliders and pads;
• Visual debugging for invisible (transparent) controls;
• Use UMG Widgets (with widgets animations) as Joystick skins;
• DPI dependent magnitude scaling;
• Mobile devices with multi-touch support
• Easy to use: add “VirtualJoystickComponent” to your actor and pass three required events from “InputTouch” node to this component;

**Coming soon features: **
• Swipe, pinch to zoom and pan handling;
• Recognition of curved gestures;

Important for 4.11!!!
Due to a bug in the 4.11 editor, if you play-in-editor in the (default) “Selected Viewport” mode, the (emulated) touch controls will not be registered. However, if you play-in-editor in “New Editor Window” or “Standalone Game” modes, the touch controls should work fine. Also, if you must use the “Selected Viewport” mode, just click once in the viewport and then click once in any empty space of editor UI outside of the viewport. To clarify, this system works without any issues on mobile devices (both iOS and Android) after launching or packaging. This issue is strictly a 4.11 editor UI issue and is not caused by the setup of Custom Touch Controls. You may follow the progress of the reporting of this bug here.


Tutorials (not mandatory):

Icon made by Freepik from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY

Sweet! Does it do swipes?

Currently not, but it’s planned. The main reason for making this asset was limitations of built-in TouchInterface. Actually in our mobile game (this asset was started as part of a mobile game) we already have gestures support, but I need some time to refactor it and merge with CustomTouchControls asset. So you can subscribe to the corresponding task on CTC Trello board and you will be notified when this task has been completed.

Sounds like a plan!

Does it support multi touch?

EVRTOP, sure =) You can use as many fingers as you can)

Hi #Acrossfy.

This is almost exactly what I want for my current project. Please update me once you release the new update with Pinch and Zoom for zoom for mobile touch. Really need this desperately. Thank you

Hello ansonkit,
It can take a few weeks due to marketplace submission delays. I will notify you ASAP.

No, but it’s almost done and will be uploaded soon, but update review can take some time. Maybe I can sell you this asset via other digital market platform when it will be done.


Yes, I need it urgently. Please email me once you ready it for sell. Thank you


How i can get controlls like in hangry dragon, using only one stick?

i want only one joystick how much