Custom Time Dilation does not work

I need to pause some actors in my game so I’m trying to use Set Custom Time Dilation node, setting these to 0 or 0.1, but for the life of me I cannot make it to work. I guess there’s something I’m doing wrong but I don’t know what.

This is one example, in the Event Graph of one such actor:

My actors are moving with a Set Actor Location node connected to the Even Tick node.

Every tick they lerp between their current position and the next one. I tried putting that on a looping timeline, didn’t work either.

But I also don’t want to just prevent them to move, I want to stop any of their update (including the behavior) during that time.

I only achieved the result I want by pausing the entire game and have a few actors set to still tick when paused, but that’s coming with a bunch of issues too and from what I read it could bite me in the ■■■ along the way.

If anybody has some advice, I’d be very happy.

Hey @Jbl86!

I think the issue might partly be what you’re trying to achieve, I don’t think time dilation is what you’re looking for here. I can definitely see where someone could be confused, as it makes total sense. What you’re looking for is a “Set Actor Tick Interval” node. That will determine how often an actor’s tick is triggered :slight_smile:

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Holy Molly, thank you!

In the process I also found the Set Actor Tick Enabled, which seems to be doing what I need as well. But both worked, so that is awesome, thank you so much for your help and your quick reply :slight_smile:

If I may ask, what is the Custom Time Dilation supposed to do then?

It does exactly what you wanted it to do, just multiplicatively instead of hard value, also you can’t set it to 0 :slight_smile:

Here’s a video to explain

Disclaimer: This link is not affiliated with Epic Games, Unreal Engine, or their partners

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■■■■, I did watch that one, and twice, still confused :smiley: I did try to set that node to 0.1 but couldn’t see a difference. Anyway, thank you again for your help, I really appreciate it !

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Did you figured it out? It also doesn’t work for me at all

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It seems like there is a limitation here where the physics engine allways runs at the same time dilation globally for every object. So if I slow down time globally and try to compensate for it with custom time dilation inside an actor, the delta time in actor’s on tick event will be running at real-time, however any components with physics simulation inside the actor will still be moving in slow motion.

The video linked above is very confusing, because it seems like the two spheres are using physics simulation – however I suspect the movement of the balls is fully scripted using actor delta time (very poor video IMO).