Custom Texture Sampler Type, Access To Input UV Coordinate

Hello, I am currently trying to make a virtual tiled texture and sample it. Input UV Coordinate must be parsed and transformed to select correct tile texture and sample it. Sampling that virtual tiled texture, i am trying to do it by making Custom MaterialExpressionTextureSample In C++, Engine source code.

I am trying to make it concrete C++ class, not custom material expression.
Is there any way to access Input UV coordinate data in MaterialExpression Class? I’ve looked into FHLSLMaterialTranslator::TextureCoordinate and see if i can make some custom Texture Sampler Type. None of them gives me access to UV coordinate. Any other places i should look into it?
If engine has no UV coordinate data, I think only left option is FHLSLMaterialTranslator::CustomExpression. Anyone have experience withit?

Simple Question

  • UV Coordinate access possible in Engine’s C++ class? ( I also think this doesn’t make sense )
  • Can I define Custom texture sampler for custom texture type which i created?
  • Will CustomExpression can help me? If it is, any helpful resources will be great

Thank you in advance