Custom Stencil Pass for Explosions

So im not great with blue print terminology, im coming from a cinematographer background and not a coder. Anyway im making a stylized render for a music video and creating a scene much like SinCity or Schindlers List where the colour red is separated from the scene being black and white (colour pop in the film world) its going well but i want to do the same for some explosions, but no success, and im trying to wrap my head around as to why.
Can anyone help?

Not sure if this is a solution for your problem, but here are some steps to get you in the right direction:

  1. On the Niagara system placed in your level (or spawn from Sequencer), enable “Render CustomDepth Pass” (same as for any other mesh you want in the custom depth

  2. On the materials used for your effect, enable “Allow Custom Depth Writes”. This will make your sprites show up in the custom depth pass. Thou the sprites wont get a semi translucent mask, but maybe that is better than nothing? :slight_smile:

sorry but where does one find the “allow custom depth writes” option in the material/elements of the explosions? I enabled the first part of your comment but i cannot find the second option.
thanks for your help! :slight_smile:

Hey thanks for your answer!
i followed step one but for the second step where does one find the “allow custom depth writes” option?

Hey thanks for your answer!
i followed step one but for the second step where does one find the “allow custom depth writes” option?

If you look at the materials used in your explosion, and then unselect any nodes, you should see the material settings in the property window to the left. You can search for the property there :slight_smile:

In this screen:

hey sorry for the copy pasta, this forum really didnt want to show me if my comment was posted or not so i kept trying XD

this worked! thanks so much, i had to really fiddle around with the settings but finally got it to work :smiley: