Custom Render Passes

Good Day,
Is there a way to add my own custom render passes to the Render movie settings? or are there equivalents to what i want already included in the engine.
The passes i would like to get are:
Diffuse Direct and Indirect
Specular Direct and Indirect
Crypto Masks
Coat Pass


from my understanding, they have to be made
most tools in the engine that I see are designed to make final frame images

but a bunch of things have to be built on top of the engine to make higher quality exports and extra passes

UP! passes are essential for a good movie/static image pipeline,especially direct/indirect/diff color and glossy…cryptomatte too,once they make it then they’re going to be really competitive with the “classic” render engines
if there’s arleady a way to use them though,please tell me :slight_smile:

at my work, we made custom passes to create something more complex for masks for comp afterwards
it’s not built in

we separate lights/ bkrnds / characters into their own levels
and other passes are just rendered out with specific levels turned on an off

a lot of the steps you’re thinking of doing in comp, it’s almost easier to just do it realtime in object shaders

Any update on cryptomatte support?