Hello all.
For my project, I need to implement a custom movement for projectile (the bullet will fly with zigzag, sine wave… shape). I looked in to ProjectileMovementComponent but look like it only support projectile fly straight or with gravity curved line.
If you have any idea to make a custom shape for projectile movement, please share with me.
Thank you a lot.
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You can create a custom curve and add these deltas over time (since projectile is fired) to your projectile movement.
But it depends if you want to have it on one or multiple axis?
For Single axis you can use the float curve for multiple axis you need a vector curve. The function to grab values is “get float value” or “get vector value”
Thank you so much. But could you please give me more information? For custom curve, I think I can use timeline for it. But how to add delta as you suggest? I tried to a change to actor location but the result is not good, the vfx, the collider… not follow the move direction, I think we should change the velocity of projectile movement.
Take a look there:
This is almost the same procedure.
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