Custom Prefabs

I’ve been looking for ways to create custom prefabs. There are obvious bad workarounds, and then there is a level setting for “isPrefab”, but I suspect it may be tied to a private build step based on the file yields?

Are custom prefabs really not supported by the public UEFN interface?

Hi Brad,

I’m not aware of any way to create an editor-wide prefab / playset .

The feature to create them also looks to be completely undocumented.

I followed the steps in this post and got a good result.

Since it’s basically a level, you can easily migrate it between projects.

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Aha, yea thank you for that link. I had actually already tried it, but it wasn’t working for me. I went back over the steps and realized I never set the creative tags. Once I assigned a tag and saved, the PID was then able to be dragged into my main level. Thanks!

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