I am working on a floor blueprint inside UE5 with various controls, and one of them is a post process volume to handle how in most cases, the lighting inside a building would require some slightly different settings to the outside around the building.
I can make a PPV inside the blueprint outliner, uncheck the unbound checkbox, and then group the PPV under a box trigger to actually control the volume bounds (because for whatever reason simply unchecking unbound is not enough), and that works great.
BUT, it only works great in my floor is rectangular in shape. I also however want to allow my floor to take on a triangular shape, for which there are no native trigger collision shape options.
Is there a way to use a static mesh instead of a box trigger to control the PPV bounds within a BP? Thanks for any help.
Neat, so I can make basically any PPV shape I want this way by the looks of it. However, it doesn’t seem to save the asset anywhere in my content folder. I can’t unfortunately use this if I can’t access it in my blueprint.
This unfortunately doesn’t help, at all. The point of a BP is being reusable, in the current level and any other level. I will have to keep digging with this problem.
Yes, still a BP. Just have a reference to the PP in the BP, instead of making it a component. Then you can drop the BP in the level, and just choose the PP volume with the eye dropper.