Custom Plugin Actors unavailable in content browser after update; instances in levels destroyed

My project uses two custom actors defined in c++ in a custom plugin. Prior to the update to 4.12.4 the actors were available in the content browser and could be directly dragged into my levels. Instances had been in the levels and working properly since version 4.9 with quite a bit of work put into their placement and behavior for specific situations. The plugin code has not been changed in months.

After upgrading to 4.12.4 the actors no longer appear in the content browser and all instances have been deleted from my levels! Nodes referencing these actors in the level blueprint have been replaced with broken placeholder nodes. They’ve been wiped out of existence.

Other custom actors not built into a plugin have not been affected as far as I can tell.

The plugin still shows up in my plugin list. I can create a new blueprint in the editor and derive from the custom actor classes defined in the plugin, but I can’t access the c++ actor blueprints directly, and that doesn’t help with the data/configuration/work that I’ve lost.

Any ideas?


Hopefully you have not deleted the old project that you upgraded from? Because all the work will still be there.

Secondly when you open up the 12.4 project, and then open the blueprint in the editor, is it showing you the errors for the blueprint? This should lead to some information concerning, what is going on as to the blueprint being broken.

But it’s going to be hard to help, without some more information concerning what t he errors are that the blueprint is having when it’s compiled using 12.4.

Hope this helps


There are no errors. The data/instances are just gone. They no longer appear in the world outliner in the levels in which they were placed. The nodes in the level blueprint that used to reference those instances are now blank, empty nodes. No error, just no data.

Methods pulled from those nodes have errors, because the methods don’t exist in the empty nodes. They retain their method names, input/output pins, etc. But type-specific references have become generic “reference”.

Why am I unable to find the blueprints in the content browser? I can’t make new instances of the existing classes. Why not?

That’s my issue. I don’t even know where to start looking for an answer. Were any changes made to the way the editor handles plugins?

Fun little plus, my backup has been corrupted and is irretrievable. Not UE4’s fault, just my luck. This isn’t a huge deal; the levels are prototypes, not for use in the final game. They’re just tests and can be replaced in a couple weeks if not less. Not great, but not catastrophic; except that I can’t drag the actors from the content browser into my level to rebuild because they aren’t there!

Ultimately, why doesn’t my plugin do what it used to do? Where have my classes gone? Why can I set the classes as parents to new blueprints, but can’t create the c++ defined actors directly?