Hi new to UE4 switch from Unity3D after more then 9 years, trying to get my head around GamePlay flow. GameMode, PlayerController, Character more precise.
I made a custom GameMode which uses a Custom PlayerController and a Custom Character.
Now i’m trying to Bind spawning the character in the PlayerController’s SetupInputComponent like this (also set the action in input settings):
void AMTCPlayerController::SetupInputComponent()
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Setting Input"));
InputComponent->BindAction("SpawnMTCPlayerController", IE_Pressed, this, &AMTCPlayerController::SpawnMTCPlayerController);
Which should Execute:
void AMTCPlayerController::SpawnMTCPlayerController()
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Call Spawn"));
AMTCGameModeBase* GM = Cast<AMTCGameModeBase>(GetWorld()->GetAuthGameMode());
and finally:
void AMTCGameModeBase::SpawnCharacter()
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Spawn"));
AMTCPlayerController* PC = Cast<AMTCPlayerController>(PlayerControllerClass);
APawn* PossedPawn = PC->GetPawn();
if (PossedPawn)
AMTCCharacter* Fighter = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<AMTCCharacter>(AMTCCharacter::StaticClass(), FVector(0.0f), FRotator(0.0f));
Not sure if this is correct, just trying to control the spawning of a character for later when the player chooses his/her character in a character select menu.
Problem is none of the LOG’s get printed? not even the one in SetupInputComponent?
Assuming SetupInputComponent get called automatically, anything wrong in the code?
Also yes i said the Custom GameMode in project setting (With custom PlayerController and custom Character) and same in World Settings.
Which automatically spawns the custom Character, but no Inputs work.
Any help is greatly appreciated.