I am not sure if that is bug or feature, and i cannot find anything about this problem.
I created my character blueprint, and everything works (ie. i can rotate it with keyboard without problem).
But after i made custom player controller ( moved all keyboard input handling there ), I cannot rotate it with keyboard anymore. Looks like it does not listen to “add yaw input” and “add rotation input” and all rotation input nodes. Same code works perfectly when i use default player controller.
Player character is exactly same blueprint, for testing i only swap keyboard events with functions called from custom controller (and then swap default controller with my custom one). Both ways of communicating work, it was first thing i tested.
Stick a screenshot up of your blueprints we might be able to spot the problem
I personally don’t call any input from a character/pawn when I do blueprints. I do the input through the player controller and then pass the values to the pawn from the controller.
I just found out it has something to do with camera setup i use. I split my player into 2 pieces, first is character that has no camera, second is camera pawn. For now camera pawn follows character only (does not get any input), all keyboard input is sent to character. I forgot to write this in my first post, possessed pawn is really camera and character is kind of keyboard driven bot.
Currently testing this all again.
This has something to do with not possessing character pawn. Even if i give it all input values trough function it does not want to rotate or move, but when i posses it it starts moving.
Yup that is it, character does not move, or rotate when its not possessed.
I has replaced player pawn with simple keyboard driven AI, but using simple move to location for keyboard walking is overkill.
Add Input works for walking, so no need to do simple move, still cannot rotate.
I see that I am doing something wrong here, probably nothing is wrong with engine, so i am moving this to better place.
Definitely applying the rotation to the correct component?
I don’t get why you’ve posessed the camera pawn instead of the character pawn? Would it not make more sense to use a camera component in the character pawn?
If not then have you got a reference to the character pawn and sending it input or are you still sending input to your pawn which would be the camera and not character?
I’m just guessing here, if you put some screens up it might give someone a chance to help you
My plan is to make squad shooter game where player can freely swap which character he controls. So best setup is when player is camera pawn.
First i want to make “dummy” keyboard AI, that lets directly control chosen solider.
All data is transfered over to character pawn, all direction, rotation and move values are correctly updated ( I am printing them and doing line trace to targets etc, everything from character pawn, so it gets correct data).
It can walk with “Add Movement Input” but no node that could turn this pawn works.
AI simple move to location and AI set focal point kind of work, but i am worried that is overkill here.