Custom Player Controller Has No Pawn on Client


I am just starting with multiplayer and networking and wanted to implement basic networking from the beginning.

I am working on an RTS like game where the PlayerController posses a Pawn. By moving the Pawn you are moving the camera. My Problem is in Singleplayer everything works perfect but when I try to play with 2 players the Client has no Pawn. GetPawn() returns a nullptr.

in my GameMode constuctor I set DefaultPawnClass and PlayerControllerClass

DefaultPawnClass = ATOEPlayer::StaticClass();
PlayerControllerClass = ATOEPlayerController::StaticClass();

In the world outliner I see that 2 PlayerController and 2 PlayerPawns are created but somehow the client doesnt seem to posses the pawn?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Couple of things to try:
I assume the pawn is set to replicate?

Do you have a Global Default Server Game Mode class set? (Project Settings > Maps and Modes > Default modes, expand the splitter under the selected game mode).
If you’ve gone from the top down shooter template, it appears this is set to none, which stops it spawning.

Denozone did you find a solution to your problem? I have the same issue.