Custom Place Mode Filter

Hey All,

I’m trying to figure out where the Modes Filers for Place (ie: Basic, Lights, Visual Effects, etc…) are set, as I want to create a new one for my team (ex: Navigation).

For this part of the editor: Select Mode in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

What I’m trying to accomplish is to create a ‘custom shelf’ of classes, similar to what you can accomplish in Maya.

I am wanting to avoid going into the Engine Code for this as I do not want to have to recompile the engine because of C++ code - I was hoping to find a solution that I can manage as part of the DefaulEditor.ini file.


This was answered in this question already, but it appears to be hard coded into the engine at the moment. Looks like you’re out of luck unless this is changed.

It seems that you need to go through the IPlacementModeModule interface and its RegisterPlacementCategory() method. You can take a look at PlacementModeModule.cpp::StartupModule() method to see how the method is used.