Custom panel/tools window in the editor via Python?

Anyone got any sort of custom panel / tools window up and running via Python in the editor? I’d like to start authoring tools for people and providing a nice UI, since having them import/run python code is super clunky.

I’ve been trying to get PySide2 up, but it appears to not play well with Python 2.7.
I found this:Custom Editor Window for 4.22 UE4 / Unreal Engine 4 - YouTube a new way (in 4.22) to author custom panels: If that works, is there a way to execute Python code from a Blueprint? Been searching, not finding too much.

Any other ideas/suggestions appreciated, thanks.

Can answer this myself: With the custom editor panels in 4.22, they can call to a Blueprint ‘Execute Console Command’ function, that can use the ‘py’ command to execute custom Python modules.

I’ve gotten Qt working for building custom UIs that speak with UE Python via Pyside.
Here’s a great video that got me started: