Custom Object Won't Collide With My Player

I have three objects. My player, the projectiles it shoots (using the default first person shooter template) and a group of custom objects that move towards the player. The projectile’s collision preset is to block all dynamic objects as is the preset for my custom object. That works fine, my projectile hits my object and both of them destroy themselves because of their blue prints (onhit->destroyActor(self)). Yet no matter what I set my player’s collision presets to, or any of it’s other components, the object never seems to register a hit with the player. I have no idea why this is when my character has pretty much all the same things ticked as my object.

Hello CBFlood,

So it sounds like you are doing a good job attempting to troubleshoot your own issue. When it comes to collision of objects there can be a lot of factors that can cause your objects to ignore, or not collide with the desired assets. The best way for me to help you with you specific situation would be to request the custom assets you are using, and for you to provide some reproducible steps so I can test your issue on my end.

If you are comfortable with sharing your assets, you can zip them into a folder and share them with me here on the AnswerHub, or you can private message me on the Forums to ‘AndrewHurley.’

My first question would be to ask are you editing the players collision through the MyCharacter blueprint? If so, there is a checkbox called ‘Simulate Generate Hit Events’ which allows the player character to trigger hit events. Within the collision settings section, there are also other options to check/uncheck which can affect the issue you are experiencing.

MyCharacter Blueprint Collision Options


No. The player has no collision in its BluePrints. The only BluePrints collision I have are the ones I mentioned before in my projectile and object. The player and level don’t have any collision. The only blueprints I have in my character right now are beginning and looping music. I don’t mind sending your assests but how should I do it? I tried using the attach file option here for this comment but the project is way too big for that.

So, what type of project are you running? Is this a first person blueprint template or third person? The collision in the MyCharacter blueprint for third person is actually set by the capsule component that is surround the character mesh. So you will not be able to get collision with your main playable character until you find where his collision is being established, and setting the appropriate values for that.

Let me know what type of project you are working in and we can work from there, instead of you trying to upload your project to me. However, if you believe it would be easier for me to help you troubleshoot, you can take you content, config, and uproject files. Zip them into a folder, and private message me on the forums with the zipped folder.


I’m using the first person shooter template. Where are the forums I can send it to you? I’ve only just started using this site.

EDIT:This is what my characters defaults look like, I’ve tried changing these three values to multiple things but to no avail.

Notice there are ‘Collision Presets’ options under each component tab?

Expand this menu and see what is being set for collision. There are three options, Ignore, Overlap, and Block. These options are available for each component.

The next task would be to check what type of object you are using, and what component of the ‘MyCharacter’ blueprint do you want to have collide with the object in your level. Then go into that component and check to make sure it has the ‘Block’ option set for the object class. e.g. Static Mesh set to 'Block"

Component Collision Presets

I hope this helps you locate and resolve your issue, but if you have exhausted all your options and still cannot get your collision to work we can move forward with sending me your project via Forum private message.

Here is the forums website for your own information as well.


I have tried that too. I’ve set both the Asteroid (the object I want to collide with) and the player to Block All but nothing seems to work. I’ve found you on the forums, I’ll try sending you the project now.

I’ve managed to get around the problem by doing a simple distance check between the two objects rather a collision. So my issue is solved but the problem itself is still open for solving. I’m not sure what the policy is about closing the matter in such cases.

Glad to hear you have some sort of a work around. What I can do is keep this post open so if you do manage to find the real source of the problem or error you can post an update here. This can help others who might come across a similar issue and need a resolution as well.
