Custom Normals not working in UE5

Hi all,

i am new here (first post) :wave: and run into a problem with IMPORTING FBX files with custom normal setup.

I use “IFWNormal” for 3DS Max and all exported FBX work fine in UE4.
But… in UE5 i am not able to get the NORMALS correct and they all look like with only one smoothing group.

(All FBX don’t use Nanite at the moment)… also exported files look also correct in Marmoset)

I searched google but i did not found anything regarding to UE5 (only some UE4 results)

Any clues? Or did i missed something?

Works the same way as UE4, make sure import normals and tangents is checked when you import a mesh, you can change it within the static mesh editor and reimport.

Thanks for the Answer.

yes i tried with the exact same import settings… but unfortunately it’s not working. :frowning:

Ok… i just found out… with a blank project and default settings it is working as in Unreal4.

So it must be something in my Project Settings (old UE4 ported to UE5)

Hi, have you found the issue? I have exact same behavior… Custom normals successfully worked in UE4, after migration I decided update models and custom normals don’t work anymore