Custom Music Player

Hi @keru, is it possible to play an .mp3 or wav file using your code as well?


Last time I tried, no.
Please refer to the previous comment from to enable other encoding support.

I was able to run a server running the editor that could import wav files and convert to uassets which the game could read. This whole process is horrible and in the end I may not use it (running the editor requires an expensive server).

Non uasset code support is not consistent across the platforms.

If this situation changes I’m very interested, but I sank a fair amount of time into this hit lots of brick walls.

IF there was a standalone tool like unrealpak that could do the convertion without GPU requirement then the cost of running a conversion server would drop significantly.

The ideal would be native cross platform support for loading wav files, just like you can load standard image formats.

Is anyone able to advise me on the best way of loading wav or mp3 files during runtime. I’m working on an app that amongst other things would allow users to play their own music during the game.

Any help with Blueprints or ideas of how this could be achieved would be appreciated :0


This is what i need exactly

Wait for next year - the patent on some MP3 stuff expires next year so there’s no legal consequence to compressors and decompressors using the format, as I understand it. We’ll probably see a few plugins offering streaming mp3 support then.

I’m happy to use .ogg files for the meantime if that’s all that is available. I’m surprised that no-one has made a music player module that can be sold on the UE4 Marketplace. If one existed I’d buy it in a heartbeat. I’d like to make my own, but I’m more artist than programmer and the whole thing mystifies me unfortunately. :confused:

I’ve been looking around for a music player, if anyone knows of one that’s pretty much plug and play then please let me know. Ideally it would have a ui, I’m happy to reskin it and make it pretty but the functionality needs to be there.

You can use Best devices for this purpose so that your issue would be resolved. live link