Custom model collision problem?

Hi i have a problem i hope someone can help me with.

I made and importet a new static mesh and it all work fine. But there is something wrong with the placement collision as i can place 2 or more of the same item/mesh within eachother?
But i can’t place it inside other objects like the campfire. But i can place a campfire within the new mesh.
But the new mest have some kind of collision as i can stand on it. But it has no collision to other objects i try to place?

Someone know way this is?

No one that can help with this?

you can stand on the static mesh? what collision preset is it set to?

Hi SakuraSammi and thx for answering :slight_smile:
But i solved the problem after many hours trying alot of stuff. It more og less fixed it selv when i added a destructible mesh to my object :smiley:

There have been issues with the auto-generated collision when importing meshes. I don’t really see how a destructible mesh could fix the issue, but at any rate, double check the collision bounds on the static mesh itself.